#12 Sea Life Secrets

THE SCENE: The Bayport Aquarium

THE FACTS: Tide Town, a new interactive exhibit, just opened. Students from Bayport Elementary are visiting to learn about urchins, rays, horseshoe crabs, and other tide pool creatures.

THE CRIME: Seymour the chocolate chip sea star has been stolen!

THE SUSPECTS: An aquarium employee, who's angry that he has to wear the sea star mascot costume. Brady, Frank's Junior Marine Biologist rival, who wants a sea star for his own aquarium. Mira, a classmate who was looking for the perfect present for her twin sister who couldn't come on the trip.

THE MISSION: It's up to the Hardy Boys -- and you -- to catch the sea star snatcher wet-handed!


Cover Design: Karina Granda and Tiara Iandiorio

Cover and Interior Illustrations: Santy Gutierrez


First Aladdin Printing and Copyright: August, 2020

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