Sydney "Syd" Kaner


Location: San Diego, CA, United States


Gender: M





Sydney Kaner use to work for Terrific Comics, before he went to work for Barry Johns.  He now lives at 8311 Lake Baca Drive in San Diego with is wife Amelia.  


CF42 - The Last Laugh


  • Casefiles


Sydney Kaner works for Barry Johns. He lives at 8311 Lake Baca Drive, in San Diego. He has a wife.
CF42, Page:24

Sydney use to do freelance work for Harry Saul's Terrific Comics. Harry quit talking to Sydney after Sydney starting doing work for Barry Johns. The last couple years, before the events of Casefile #42, Sydney had not been happy with Barry Johns. Sydney and Jack Parente had sued Barry for what is presumably lack of payment on royalties.
CF42, Page:50