Ofc. Robert "Bobby" Edward Stewart


Location: Bayport, , United States


Gender: M


Hair: White blond



Robert Edward Stewart is the biological son of Leonard Mock.  His mom died when he was three and his father was a convicted criminal. Although he went by the name of Bobby Mock when younger, he was adopted some time after his father went to jail and his last name was legally changed to Stewart.  Shortly before the tornado that hit Bayport, before the events of Casefile #39, he had become the new partner of Officer Con Riley after walking the beat around City Hall.


CF39 - Flesh And Blood


  • Casefiles


Stewart has white blond hair and is the new young partner of Officer Con Riley. He use to walk the beat around City Hall.
CF39, Page:12

Bobby Mock is the son of Leonard Mock.
CF39, Page:40

Mock lost custody of his son Bobby and Bobby's mom died when he was only three. Thus Bobby was adopted by another family and his name changed.
CF39, Page:43

Bobby Mock's full name is Robert Edward Mock.
CF39, Page:116

Robert Stewart's last known location was in prison awaiting a psychological examination before going to trial.
CF39, Page:149