Martin Mangieri


Location: Bayport, NY, United States


Gender: M

Eyes: Black

Hair: Dirty Yellow



Martin Mangieri was a student at Bayport High until he was kicked out of school earlier in the year for breaking into soft drink and candy machines.  He is short and overweight and has long, dirty yellow colored hair pulled back into a ponytail.  


CF39 - Flesh And Blood


  • Casefiles


Martin Mangieri was a student at Bayport High until he was kicked out of school earlier in the year for breaking into soft drink and candy machines. He is short and overweight and has long, dirty yellow colored hair pulled back into a ponytail.
CF39, Page:7

Martin has black eyes.
CF39, Page:12

Martin smokes cigarettes.
CF39, Page:19

Mangieri lives on the west side of Bayport in a low-rent area.
CF39, Page:95

Before Martin Mangieri was kicked out of school, he was a photographer for the yearbook.
CF39, Page:103

Martin Mangieri's last known location was in police custody for helping Robert Stewart.
CF39, Page:149