Gloria Estabrook


Location: Bridgeport, , United States


Gender: F


Hair: White



Gloria Estabrook, the sophisticated and wealthy grandmother of Frank and Joe Hardy, held numerous family secrets. Those secrets created an estranged relationship between Gloria and her daughter Laura Hardy, the mother of Frank and Joe.

Unbeknown to her grandsons, Gloria was one of three exclusive members of the Circle of the Eye, a rich and powerful organization of three separate family groups. Although Gloria's father, George Estabrook, told her that she would never be a part of the Circle of the Eye, Gloria became his successor when he suddenly died. Immediately, Gloria dominated the secret society, determined to build upon the power the group possessed despite her father's late wishes to destroy it.


TV2020 S1E1 - Welcome to Your Life
TV2020 S1E2 - Where the Light Can't Find You
TV2020 S1E4 - Secrets and Lies
TV2020 S1E5 - The Drop
TV2020 S1E6 - In Plain Sight
TV2020 S1E9 - The Key
TV2020 S1E10 - The Secret Room
TV2020 S1E11 - No Getting Out
TV2020 S1E12 - Eye to Eye
TV2020 S1E13 - While the Clock Ticked
TV2020 S2E1 - A Disappearance
TV2020 S2E3 - The Missing Camera
TV2020 S2E10 - An Unexpected Return
TV2020 S3E1 - A Strange Inheritance
TV2020 S3E3 - A Promise of Trouble


  • Nelvana/Hulu 2020 TV Series


Gloria Estabrook is the wealthy mother of Laura Hardy. Gloria grew up and lived in a very expensive house in the town of Bridgeport.
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Gloria's property includes a stable and at least one horse.
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Gloria thinks Aunt Trudy needs to be more forceful with the Hardy boys.
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Gloria tends to call Frank, "Francis".
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Gloria has not traditionally gotten along with Aunt Trudy.
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Gloria has white hair.
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It was pretty much confirmed that Gloria hired JB Cox to steal an artifact from the Tall Man who stole it from an employee of Gloria's.
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Gloria has an assistant or secretary named Sonya.
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Gloria entered her father's secret room for the first time since her father died.
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It was in 1961 that Gloria was told by her father George that she would never be part of the Circle of the Eye.
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Gloria didn't find out about the Eye from her father George until she was about 16 years old.
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Gloria's last known whereabouts is in the Bridgeport Police Department jail.
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Gloria Estabrook had served six months in prison by the time Dennis Gilroy went missing while filming a movie.
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Gloria is in the Dixon City Correctional Services prison system.
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Gloria appears to have died in the hospital from some unknown cause
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According to Gloria's video will, she gave everything to Francis Hardy with three stipulations. George's 1st apartment in Dixon City must be maintained. George's 1st shipping warehouse must be maintained. And George's desk must remain in on the Rosegrave campus forever.
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