Dixon City


Location: Dixon City, , United States


The big city where the Hardy Boys lived before moving to Bridgeport.  


TV2020 S1E1 - Welcome to Your Life
TV2020 S2E1 - A Disappearance
TV2020 S2E5 - Heading for Destruction
TV2020 S2E7 - The Doctor's Orders


  • Nelvana/Hulu 2020 TV Series


The big city where the Hardy Boys lived before moving to Bridgeport.
TV2020 S1E1, Minute:7

There is a minimum security prison located in Dixon City.
TV2020 S2E1, Minute:8

Dixon City is hours from Gresham.
TV2020 S2E5, Minute:3

Dixon City appears to be more than twice the size of the town of Gresham and only slightly larger than the city of Ducksworth according to the size of each of their phone books.
TV2020 S2E7, Minute:19