How old are they?

Started by The#1Hardy-BoysFan, June 25, 2007, 05:40:57 PM

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For the first 3 books of the original series (original and revised texts) the Hardy's are 16 and 17 and then age to 17 and 18.

As for motorcycle licences, here in Ontario, from what I remember from the last time I had a temporary licence, people age 16 or older can get an M1 licence which basically allows you to do city driving by yourself, but provincial/national highway driving is not allowed unless their is an M2 or fully licenced M person on the bike with you.
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Hi I?m new here and just wanted to say. I?m pretty sure they are 16 and 17, since driving age is usually 16. Also in House Arrest it says no one is 18 or over. (recall the limited camera time) Also I think these are prequels to the because Cheat got his drivers license in the UBs and in The Tower Treasure his car is stolen, in the UBs they get the motorcycles which they have in 1-6 of the classics, and while GN #1 shows F & J to have feelings for C & I they are not yet boyfriend and girlfriend.


Your forgetting one thing, the Hardy's motorcycles in the original series were ordinary motorcycles.  The bikes didn't have anything special "spy" gear on them, even 1927 "spy" gear.
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maybe the motorcycles had the spy gear removed after ATAC was shut down and everybodys memory of it erased by a superkiss from Superman  8)
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.


Do you know how lame that sounds???????  Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
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Good points both of you. Well except for the whole mind erasing thing. I totaly can see ATAC taking them, N-Zone; after all they don?t even let the boys keep the money they earn on missions.


I was referring to the end of Superman 2, when Superman erases Lois Lane's memory of Kent being Superman with a superkiss.
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.


The boys being 16 and 17, and this being a prequel makes sense - well as much as trying to tie the UB in with other HB series can (which isn't much)!

But a continuity problem arises; in #17 ''Murder in the Mall'' Iola has her driver's licence, which would mean she is at least 16, even though Chet just recently got his in the earlier books, and he is only 16 himself in Mission #9, and doesn't have a birthday until #21 ''Comic Con Artist''. The only way you can make any sense of this is A) Chet has his 17th birthday somewhere between #9 and #7, and turns 18 in #21 (sorry time doesn't pass that fast in Hardy World) or B) Chet and Iola are twins.


Somehow I don't think Chet and Iola are suppose to be twins.  I seem to recall that in the original series and even the Casefiles that Iola was referred to as Chet's younger sister.
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Wasn't Chet adopted? Isn't that said in the one where Mock tries to kill the Hardys and Chet is thought to be Bobby Mock? Flesh and Blood I think?
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.


Quote from: tomswift2002 on August 05, 2008, 04:09:35 PM
Somehow I don't think Chet and Iola are suppose to be twins.  I seem to recall that in the original series and even the Casefiles that Iola was referred to as Chet's younger sister.

I wasn't actually serous about that, I meant it as sort of a joke! It just shows how crazy the continuity is in UB!


Quote from: negative_zone on August 06, 2008, 08:58:52 AM
Wasn't Chet adopted? Isn't that said in the one where Mock tries to kill the Hardys and Chet is thought to be Bobby Mock? Flesh and Blood I think?


It is said in Casefiles #39 Flesh And Blood, but later in the book it is revealed that Bobby Mock, because he was on the Bayport Police Force, was able to get into Bayport City Hall, alter his adoption papers and computer files, and point the finger at Chet.  At the end it turned out that Chet Morton was the bilogical son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton.
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About the Prequils, I noticed a few more things. First the Sleuth is missing. Second in the Classics it list Fenton as a retired NY cop who became a PI, but in the UBs he is just a retired cop.


In the original continuity the Hardy Boys did not buy the Sleuth until #3 The Secret Of The Old Mill (original/revised), so in that continuity the only books that don't mention or where the Sleuth is not yet owned by the Hardy Boys are The Tower Treasure and The House On The Cliff (of course, in the British Collins series, for some strange reason, the Hardy's use the Sleuth before they buy it, since it is mentioned in #10 of that series, While The Clock Ticked, that the Sleuth was in the Hardy boat house at the marina, but the boys don't buy or own the boat till #16 The Secret of The Old Mill.

Even the Casefiles list Fenton Hardy as being a retired New York cop.  Infact, in Casefiles #5 [i}Edge Of Destruction[/i] we are introduced to the chief of the New York Police Department, Sam Peterson, who used to be Fenton's partner.
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You know, this is totally off topic, but the name of the thread reminded me of the Chinese girls gymnastics team. They look about 10, they are still losing teeth, several Chinese websites reported they were 14 less than a year ago, but they mysteriously have passports saying they are 16, just at the legal age for competition.
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.