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Hardy Boys Casefiles Discussion => Hardy Boys Casefiles => Topic started by: tomswift2002 on June 18, 2018, 01:49:38 PM

Title: #14 Too Many Traitors (30th Anniversary Review)
Post by: tomswift2002 on June 18, 2018, 01:49:38 PM
Published April 1988
Author: Steven Grant

Other Hardy's by the author: Cult Of Crime (1987), The Crowning Terror (1987), Nightmare In Angel City (1988), Thick As Thieves (1989), Final Gambit (1992)

Plot: When he orders some computer supplies through the mail, Frank enters into a contest for an all-expenses paid trip for two to Spain, which he wins.  When the plane lands in Spain, everything seems to go alright at first, but then strange things start happening.  After going to sleep for the night, the Hardy's are suppose to meet their tour guide in the hotel coffee shop, but the tour guide fails to appear.  Next the learn that the Spanish police have a warrant out for their arrest in the murder of their tour guide, and then they discover that the Soviet Union's KGB wants them because they apparently have information regarding one of the KGB's agents.   Then all of a sudden the Gray Man, the Hardy's contact for the Network shows up and the Hardy's think that he's there to help them---however the Gray Man soon pulls a gun on them and tells them that they are traitors to the Network!  The Hardy's are confused and bewildered!  What is going on?  In order to keep their freedom and go home, the boys are going to have to find the answers to these perplexing questions!

Review:   I'm currently up to page 76 right now (Chapter 9) and this is a really good story.  You really don't know what is going on.   The author really throws a bunch of red herrings into the story and develops a very good mystery.
Title: Re: #14 Too Many Traitors (30th Anniversary Review)
Post by: MacGyver on June 19, 2018, 10:31:28 AM
Too Many Traitors is one of my favourites of The Hardy Boys Casefiles! It's very action-packed and it has a great mystery woven with intrigue and suspense.
Title: Re: #14 Too Many Traitors (30th Anniversary Review)
Post by: tomswift2002 on June 20, 2018, 10:41:16 AM
I just finished this book this morning.  I must say, it really amazed me about how the KGB, the Gray Man and the Spanish Police were always able to catch up to the Hardy's right after they escaped, and yet not once did they bother to look for some sort of tracking device on their car or their persons. 

Anyway, it was interesting, after Brother Against Brother, Perfect Getaway & The Borgia Dagger to see the series come back to what had set it up in the first place, and helped to separate it from the original series.  Unlike the Undercover Brothers this was not a series where Frank and Joe got all their cases from the government, and in this case, the government needed them but didn't tell them.

Rating: 8/10
Title: Re: #14 Too Many Traitors (30th Anniversary Review)
Post by: VLoneWolf on June 20, 2018, 01:59:01 PM
I really liked this book. It was well written.
Title: Re: #14 Too Many Traitors (30th Anniversary Review)
Post by: CalvinKnox on March 06, 2019, 01:18:49 PM
I want to get this one.  It's the lowest numbered Casefile that I'm missing.
Title: Re: #14 Too Many Traitors (30th Anniversary Review)
Post by: SkyWarp on December 16, 2019, 09:51:04 AM
What is the name of the girl pictured on the cover of this book?
Title: Re: #14 Too Many Traitors (30th Anniversary Review)
Post by: MacGyver on December 16, 2019, 02:51:06 PM
I think it's Elena if I remember correctly.