Change Log

Started by SkyWarp, May 09, 2009, 01:04:04 AM

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1) Agency pages where one can view all the sleuths of a particular agency.

2) A link on one's avatar (if you have one available) that takes you back to your sleuth agency page.


1) The "Recent Sleuthing" has been moved from the right hand column and placed under one's tips so as to keep more general agency information on the right hand column and to help speed up page load times.



1) A graphical representation of how far one is from leveling up.  The graph represents the percentage of the whole as far as how far along they are to the next level.



1)  Graphical Tip Results now show only the current day's results.  They use to show the last 6 results.  This should help one more quickly undertand what their sleuth has done on the current day. 

2)  Removed KIA sleuths from the right hand column to help speed up page load times.  These can still be seen on one's sleuth agency page.

3) When one creates a new sleuth, they are now redirected to their own sleuth agency page and not the main "records" page.

4) Sleuth Agency name (at top of right hand column) now links to the sleuth agency page just like the avatar.  This allows those without avatars to have a link to their own sleuth agency page, no matter what page within the game they might be viewing.



1)  Changed the stats on the records (main) page so as to help the page load faster. 



1) The Sleuth Market: This new feature allows one to place sleuths on the market and to hire from the market.  Sleuths may continue to be used while they are on the market by their owners.  When a sleuth is hired, the control of the sleuth changes hands between agencies.  This cannot be undone.  All stats for that sleuth go to the new agency.  Even with sleuths on the market, an agency may still not hire or create more than 10 sleuths.  A red/brown icon indicates a sleuth is available for hire.  A green icon indicates the person is not available for hire. 

Bug Fixes:

1) Solved Cases now use tips correct. 



1) Mystery Solved Celebrations: If one still has tips left after solving a case, a tip could result in a celebration.  This celebration will result in at least 4 experience points, however the total experience could be as high as 10 (although not likely).

Bug Fixes:

1) One can no longer solve more than one case per day.   



1) Additional Tips -- One can now have more than 5 tips each day. For every 5 points in a sleuth's Intelligence, an additional tip is given to the sleuth each day.  In other words, once a sleuth's Intelligence reaches level 5, that sleuth will have 6 tips each day instead of just 5.  Once the same sleuth's intelligence reaches level 10, that sleuth will have 7 tips each day. 


Bug Fixes:

1) Fixed a bug that allowed one to have more than 10 sleuths.

2) Fixed a bug in the market system that did not take a sleuth off the market once you took ownership of them. 


Bug Fix:

1) Fixed a bug that prevented the Celebration tip result from being viewed properly.

New Features:

1) Added stats to the main stats page reflecting Sleuth and Agency Celebrations. 



1) Ported the game over to the new web site structure. 

2) Changed how People Tips are calculated. 

3) Reduced the chance of a Assassin showing up by 50%

4) Several other small changes in Tip Calculations.


Bug Fix:

1) Fixed a bug that prevented sleuths from being acquired from the market.


Bug Fix:

1) Fixed a bug that prevented one from seeing other agency's KIA lists properly in some situations.



1) Agency Total Experience Hall of Fame.  This statistic only includes current living members of each agency.


Bug Fix:

1) Fixed a bug that allowed for sleuth agent pages to exist for non-existent sleuths.