Mr. Pizza's Hardy Boys Forum

Other Hardy Boys Series Discussion => Hardy Boys Undercover Brothers => Topic started by: SDLagent on May 16, 2008, 03:01:51 PM

Title: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on May 16, 2008, 03:01:51 PM
Since the Murder House Trilogy is a pretty big event in the world of The Hardy Boys, and since the trilogy will be published over six months, and not every body will read the trilogy it at the same time, I thought it would be best to start this thread. I suggest that starting from the time you read book one ''Deprivation House'', until October 6th (one week after the planned release date of Murder House #3), we keep discussion of the ''bigger'' plot lines and ''finer points'' of the Murder House Trilogy, as well as speculation about the trilogy, in this one thread. 

Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on May 17, 2008, 01:45:20 AM
Good idea, SDL! :)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Q on May 17, 2008, 03:57:58 AM
I second that HBWiki :D
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on May 27, 2008, 02:49:52 AM
Book #1 ''Deprivation House''

PLOT SUMMARY: Frank and Joe are sent by ATAC to join the cast of a new reality show called Deprivation House - featuring a group of teens competing for one million dollars - and to determine who's behind the death threats received by other contestants.

Once at the ''house'' the contestants are told the rules of the show; each day at least one luxuries (computers, iPods, coffee, etc) will be taken away and who ever lasts the longest wins. In addition competitions will be held each day, with the winner getting to chose the next ''deprivation''.

Things go bad fast, when in the very first contest (with the goal, to wash more dishes then anyone else), Frank finds a body in the bottom of the pool. The body turns out to be one of the production assistants, Leo, so he is replaced by a man named Mitch.

After a few of the  contestants, including Joe,  are threatened again, and Bobby T wins the first contest (the pool one was called off), Ripley finds Bobby unconscious in the hall, luckily Bobby had already told every one that he has a deadly peanut allergy, and if he has an reaction to use the needle he always carries, Ripley does this and saves his life.  Frank and Joe wonder what could have caused Bobby's reaction, that is until they find a trace of peanut oil on his toothbrush.

Later Joe, James, and Bobby, are locked in the sauna, and if Frank had not got there in time they would have all died. This is followed by one of the contestants, Rosemary, dropping out of the show, and Joe being almost killed by a dog in the dog cleaning contest. It turns out that the dog was feed jimmsonweed, which made him aggressive.

Already worried, the Hardys are even more upset when everyone of the contestants receives an e-mail reading, Next competition, someone dies.

The next day after the e-mails, the first cut is made, and a girl named Kit Elroy is ''deprived of the chance to win one million dollars!'' It seems that Kit, more then any one else had a hard time adjusting to the deprivations, most of all coffee, which she was a heavy drinker of.

Fearing that the last death threat, Frank and Joe feel the need to do a safety check on the next competition. They can not do this however unless they know what it is (no one is every told until a few minutes before), so after getting Veronica (she is the host of the show) out of the house a few hours by convincing a contestant to drop out of the competition and using the ATAC anticamera device they manage to get into Veronica's quarters without being seen. The brothers find what they are looking for as well as a good amount of money hidden in one of the ceiling beams.

It turns out that the next contest is a lawn mower race, so the brothers head to the field were it is to take place. After a search, Joe finds a bomb wired to the ignition of one of the mowers, but before they can do anything about it, Veronica and Mitch find them and Veronica accuses them of cheating, completely ignoring Frank and Joe when the try to tell her what they have found. She orders Mitch to keep the brothers to his quarters, until morning. Frank and Joe tall Mitch about the bomb, who unlike his boss listens and he promises to tell Veronica.     

Mitch leaves the Hardy boys in his quarters with a soft drink each and the parting words, ''To living through it, right?'' quoting the words of the contestants on the first night on the show.'' After Mitch leaves Frank releases that they came up with that toast before Mitch worked on the show, and that he couldn't have seen footage of it, because they didn't have any outdoor footage that night. And it it dawn on both brothers that the only reason he would be there is if he knew Leo was going to die.

Frank and Joe try to leave the cottage but Mitch sees them and knocks them out. When they come to they find themselves tied up in Mitch's place, who claims he knocked them out because Veronica told him to keep them in his cabin and he didn't want to get in trouble. The Hardys manage to distract Mitch then they roll into a mirror knocking it over onto Mitch. With Mitch momentarily out of the way, Frank manages to cut himself free using the broken glass from the mirror. Once untied Joe knocks out and ties up Mitch and Frank races for the doomed garden tractor contest.

Joe discovers that Mitch robed a bank of 25,000, Joe remembers the money he found in Veronica's house and figures that Mitch must have hidden the stolen money in the house before the show was being run in it. Then when Mitch discovered it he must have killed Leo to get access but since Veronica doesn't even allow assistants into her office he most of tried to get the show shut down by killing contestants.

Meanwhile, Frank tried to get to the tractors before anyone else but didn't quite make it, and now is horrified to see one of the contestants, Brynn, getting on the very one with the bomb set to go off when the ignition key is turned. Frank yells at her to stop but she turns the key. In one last attempt, Frank hurls himself at her, knocking her off the mower ? seconds before it explodes.     
Veronica lets Frank and Joe stay on the show because of what they did. Later that night James finds a dead blackbird in the bathtub, with the words, It's not over yet.

REVEIW: I actually enjoyed ''Deprivation House'' and it exceeded my exceptions but only because they were not very high. I was happily surprised that the bad guy was not trying to kill people so he could win the show but so he could get the money he stole years earlier. In my opinion this is good in more ways then one. First of all revenge is not his motive and second, in my opinion killing someone to win a reality would be really lame, since that is what you are expecting. On the other hand, I still don't see why Mitch didn't just break into Veronica office, I know there's supposed to be cameras every ware, but still, I'm sure there would be an easier way for Mitch to get what he wanted.

Like I said already, book one isn't that bad at all, but even so this is going to be a very poor trilogy. I mean, the culprit is in jail! And the man in jail is in no way connected to a gang, from what I can tell anyway, and even if he is, I'm sure the gang has nothing to do with the final threat in the book or the one in the preview. From the looks of it this trilogy isn't one story in three parts but three stories taking place in the same location.  :-\

I thought after reading ''Deprivation House'', I would have more of an idea of what will happen in ''House Arrest'', but nope, still basically know that Frank and Joe are looking for someone on a reality TV show who is trying to kill everyone else. And again how can you have a mystery trilogy without a GANG? Well by the looks of it you can, in the Undercover Brothers any way. :(

I just keep thinking of ''Operation Phoenix''...
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Q on May 27, 2008, 08:15:27 AM
That was one of the best spoilers I have ever read. Please review The Deadliest Stunt when you read it!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on May 27, 2008, 04:21:03 PM
Does it still surprise you that in the world of the Undercover Brothers, there are no criminal gangs, just one or two criminals working together acting like a bunch of idiots.  How we all long for the good old days of the Hardy Boys when they actually went after large gangs running different rackets.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on May 27, 2008, 05:59:18 PM
Quote from: Q on May 27, 2008, 08:15:27 AM
That was one of the best spoilers I have ever read. Please review The Deadliest Stunt when you read it!

Thanks, Q! I look forward to seeing your reviews.

Quote from: tomswift2002 on May 27, 2008, 04:21:03 PM
Does it still surprise you that in the world of the Undercover Brothers, there are no criminal gangs, just one or two criminals working together acting like a bunch of idiots.  How we all long for the good old days of the Hardy Boys when they actually went after large gangs running different rackets.

I'm not surprised most of the time, but this is a three part story, so I didn't know how they could do it without some sort of gang! I should have known better, I guess. It's really strange that there is no gangs, you would think working for an spy organization, the boys would fight more gangs. And I think they could really go somewhere with WARD but they don't seem to be.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on May 28, 2008, 01:58:32 PM
Yeah, you would think that there would more gangs since S&S seems to be trying to make the Hardy Boys into younger versions of James Bond.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: nick123456789 on June 03, 2008, 09:10:05 PM
Deprivation House is a VERY good book. I definatly would recommend it.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: mystery chick 901 on June 11, 2008, 07:04:05 PM
Definatly. Other than their pictures, it's an awesome book!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on June 26, 2008, 03:46:24 AM
The first chapter of book three ''House Arrest'' is now available for your reading pleasure at (


Night Stalkers

"Did you hear that?" Frank hissed under his breath. I nodded. Then I realized he probably couldn't see me. The hallway was pitch black.

"Yeah," I whispered. "I think we should -- "

"Shhh! Let's go left."

He started creeping that way, staying low to the ground. I followed. It was so dark I could hardly see a thing. Just Frank's back. Not my favorite view. But what are you going to do?

We rounded the corner at the end of the hall. I clutched the big, heavy aluminum flashlight I was holding. It had been the only weapon around to grab when Frank had woken me up a few minutes earlier. I just hoped I'd have the guts to use it if and when the time came.

Up ahead I could see the pale gray outline of a doorway. It led into the mansion's cavernous kitchen.

At that moment the sound came again. Sort of a tiny, scraping noise, so quiet you could hardly catch it.

I tensed. This was it.

Frank heard it too. He crouched there for a moment. Then, in one fluid motion, he sprang up and flipped on the light switch.

The glare was blinding. I blinked furiously, clutching the heavy flashlight in both hands.

"Where is it?" I shouted.

"There!" Frank leaped forward, already swinging the Wiffle bat he was holding.

That's when I spotted it too. The mouse. It skittered away, avoiding Frank's blow. The bat landed on the tile floor with a hollow thunk.

"Gotcha!" I cried as the mouse raced toward me on its tiny legs. I lunged forward and swung as hard as I could.


That mouse was fast. I missed too. My hand stung from the recoil of the flashlight hitting the hard tile floor. I tossed my weapon to my other hand and spun around.

Too late. The mouse was running hard. All I could do was watch helplessly as its little tail disappeared under the refrigerator.

"What's going on out here?" A red-haired girl wrapped in a robe appeared in the doorway -- sly, cutthroat Olivia Gavener.

A big dude with a crewcut was right behind her. James Sittenfeld. He was rubbing his eyes and looking irritated.

"Yeah," he said. "What's your damage, dudes? If you want to fight out your differences, have some class. Do it when people aren't trying to sleep."

That was rich, coming from him. He was the last one who should be ragging on anyone else for being inconsiderate. You could sum up the dude in two words: Ob Noxious.

"Sorry." Frank tossed down his Wiffle bat. "I was on my way to the bathroom when I heard our little rodent buddy rustling around out here. Joe and I were trying to take him out before he eats any more of our food."

"Did you get him?" James asked. "If you did, Fatso will probably kiss you." He smirked. "In case you haven't noticed, he doesn't like to share his chow."

James thinks he's hilarious. The rest of us pretty much don't. Not that he would ever notice. He's not exactly Mr. Sensitive.

Luckily, Mikey Chan -- aka the "Fatso" in question -- wasn't among the crowd of seven sleepy teens now crowding the doorway, staring at Frank and me. I wasn't surprised. The kid is a pretty heavy sleeper. I should know. I've been listening to him snore like a buzz saw in the bunk below me for the past week and a half.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't kill it," Brynn Fulghum declared. "So what if it ate a few crumbs? The poor little thing doesn't deserve to die for that."

Ah, Brynn. How to describe her? You could mention her soft blond hair. Her cute upturned nose. Or the way her eyebrows kind of arch up in the middle. But even all that wouldn't begin to cover how awesome she is. Don't get me started, okay?

"Whatever." James yawned, already seeming bored by the whole conversation. "I'm going back to bed."

"Me too," Bobby T mumbled. He looked even sleepier than the others. His blue hair was sticking up on top of his head. Actually, it always does. But usually it's from mousse or something, not bedhead.

Bobby pays a lot of attention to his appearance. That's because he's famous. At least in his own mind. He's a blogger -- a pretty successful one, I guess, even though I'd never heard of him before I met him. He even had his blog optioned by Hollywood.

By now you're probably wondering what Frank and I were doing in a mansion with all these people. The answer is, we're undercover agents with ATAC -- American Teens Against Crime. That's a group our dad, Fenton Hardy, started after he retired from the NYPD. The idea behind ATAC is that there are lots of places where adults stick out like a sore thumb. Hip-hop concerts. Skateboarding rallies. That kind of thing. The solution: agents who are teenagers themselves. As soon as we heard about it, Frank and I were on board. Our life has been a total rush ever since.

The two of us have ended up in a lot of weird places thanks to ATAC. But our current mission might be the weirdest yet. We were working undercover as contestants on a new reality show called Deprivation House.

Well, back up a minute. When we first got the assignment, we didn't know the name of the show. All we knew was that it was an all-teen reality show. When we arrived at this amazing Beverly Hills mansion, we were stoked. I mean, the place is straight out of the movies. Spacious grounds. Private bowling lanes. Plush screening room. Oh, and did I mention the pool? I especially loved the pool.

But we'd barely gotten to enjoy it when the show's host, Veronica Wilmont, announced that most of it was going to be taken away. Not just the real luxuries, either. Over the course of the show, we were going to lose all kinds of stuff, from junk food to cell phones to cable TV.

That sounds bad enough, right? But don't forget, Frank and I were there on a mission. One of the other contestants was Ripley Lansing. In case you've been living under a rock for the past few years, like Frank --

Frank here. And give it a rest already, Joe. Should you really be so proud of yourself for knowing all the celebs from Gossip Tonight, anyway?


Butt out, Frank. Point is, Ripley's mother owns a big makeup company, and her dad is the drummer for Tubskull. Ripley herself is mostly famous for wearing expensive clothes and throwing things at photographers. She signed up for the show to do some image repair. But she got a death threat even before the show started, and her family called in ATAC to investigate.

So that's where Frank and I came in. We went undercover as Ripley's fellow contestants. Only trouble is, once we got here we found out that all the contestants -- including us -- got death threats. Not just Ripley.

I glanced at the others in the kitchen doorway, realizing that Ripley wasn't among them. Neither was Mikey, like I said. Along with James, Bobby T, Brynn, and Olivia Gavener, I saw nerdy Hal Sheen, quiet homeschooler Mary Moore, and new-to-the-show Gail Digby.

That meant one other person was missing besides Ripley and Mikey. I couldn't think who it was at first. My brain was still half asleep.

I was still thinking when there was a loud shriek from elsewhere in the house.

Frank and I exchanged a look. "That sounded like it came from one of the girls' bedrooms," he said.

I nodded. "Let's go."

We raced back down the hall. I was in the lead as we burst into the room.

Ripley was standing there in front of the dresser. She was staring into the mirror, a look of horror on her face.

I could see why. Scribbled on her forehead in bloodred letters was the word MURDER.

Copyright ? 2008 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Jokerette on June 26, 2008, 02:07:33 PM
OK, so ,slow start(i mean, the Hardys chasing rats :o :o :o). the end picked up though. i think this will be a great book. or am i wrong?
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on June 26, 2008, 03:47:31 PM
What ??? Is this a joke ??? I mean, don't the ghostwriters for the UB's have anything better to write about then the Hardy boys chasing after mice ???
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on June 26, 2008, 08:30:56 PM
And I thought the Hardy's would be getting debriefed on the events of the first two books by this point.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on June 26, 2008, 10:07:33 PM
Sorry I made mistake in my post last night, this is from book two not book three.

I agree with you guys, what the heck is S&S thinking? I mean the Hardys go after mice in the dead of night with baseball bats? Give me a break, not only is this the Hardy boys, but in this series they work for the government for crying out load! If this was my introduction The Hardy Boys, I'm telling you I would not have picked up another Hardy book again!

On the bright side, the writings not bad, it's not the authors fault he/she doesn't have much to work with.  When I started reading the chapter I was thinking ''this is pretty good''...until the mouse and then I was thinking ''I guess the boys made a mistake''...then they want after it and I was like, ''oh dear!''
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: mystery chick 901 on June 26, 2008, 10:25:54 PM
don't be too hard on them, its just the beginning of the book!

i hope it gets better though :-\
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on July 03, 2008, 05:19:19 PM
I picked up ''House Arrest'' yesterday, so...

Wow, that's a first for me, I couldn't post because my message exceeded the maximum allowed length of 10000 characters! So I'll have to split up my post, here's the the first part of the plot summary, the seconed part and my review will follow.

Book #2 ''House Arrest''

Plot summary (part I):
After learning that while Mitch was the murderer, he wasn't the one sending threats to Deprivation House contestants, Frank and Joe Hardy continue their investigation on the reality TV show.

Some of the contestants think the producers might be behind the threats, others disagree. Meanwhile more luxuries have been taken away, including hot food, freezer, and heating. Hal suggests that the company may be be trying to spice up the show, and make it seem like the house is haunted, this disturbs Brynn and she panics ruining to her room, Frank follows and tries to comfort her. While with her he can see why Joe likes her so much.

Downstairs Bobby T shows Joe pictures of the scene of murder that happened in the house years ago. As it turns out a TV move about the murder, untitled ''Witness to Evil'', will be reran later this week.

Later that night James life is threatened when he almost eats broken glass that has been frozen into the ice cubs in the water jug. His month is cut badly but he only goes for medical help after thinking up a fake story, fearing that if the truth was known the show would be shut down. The Hardys add Mikey Chan to their suspect list, since he has known knowledge of James' habit of chewing ice.

The contestants are up early the next morning for the next competition, the goal of which turns out to be: get as many potato chips in to your trunk as you can before the time runs out, who ever has the most wins. If you are caught so much as licking the salt of your fingers during the contest, you will go with nothing to eat but bread and water for two days and will have to make meals for the rest of the  contestants. Frank wins the  ''Junk in the Trunk'' contest but not before Ripley Lansing is caught eating a chip...

Brynn starts hanging out with Frank, and he wonders if it could have any thing to do with the fact that he will be choosing the next deprivation. She tells him this is not the case, saying that with all the strange goings on in the mansion, and having noticed the way Frank handles emergencies, feels safer around him. Frank feels that Joe could be getting a little jealous.

Frank and Joe haven't seen Mickey in some time, who they still suspect could be up to something, set out to look for him. When they find him, he is in an outrage, saying that Ripley is cheating and eating cooked food. Both the Hardys aren't really concerned about it but still think it might be worth looking into.

So Joe goes to talk with Ripley, as it turns out, like the brothers, she to suspects Mickey is up to no good. While Joe is still with Ripley, Veronica Wilmont takes her to another Deprivation Chamber so Ripley can talk about her punishment. When they don't come back for half an hour, Joe becomes suspicious. Could Ripley Lansing be in cahoots with the producers?

Later Frank finds Brynn shortly after she has been cut by knifes someone planted in her bag, yet another strange event on Deprivation House, when Mary Moore clams she saw a little girl outside by the woodpile and was then knocked to the ground from behind.

Brynn says she doesn't feel safe anymore and is thinking of dropping out, Frank asks her to stay, saying that if she does he will let her pick tomorrow's deprivation.

Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on July 03, 2008, 05:22:09 PM
Book #2 ''House Arrest''

Plot summary (part II):
The next morning when Frank announces the next deprivation is TV, the house is in an uproar, as most of the teens were looking forward to the ''Witness to Evil'' TV movie. Out of all the contestants, Mickey is the most upset, though.

Later that day Ripley tells the brothers that Mary told her Veronica ordered more wood to be cut, Frank offers to do it and heads out for the woodpile. Before he can get to work, Frank hears someone laughing, the woodpile starts to rumble, and then falls on top of him. Frank is lucky and is not badly hurt, and the production crew assure every one, the whole thing was just an accident, the Hardys are not convinced however, and even more skeptical when it turns out that the camera filming the woodpile was blocked.

The Hardys decide to talk to Mary, since she told Ripley to tall someone to get wood, but according to her, she did no such thing. Joe notes that he needs to keep his eye on Ripley

After dinner Joe fins Bobby T staring at his laptop in disbelief, someone posted a comment on his blog that reads, ''Nice blog, Bobby, maybe your friends and family can read from it at your funeral.'' Frank quickly checks his e-mail and sure enough he has received a similar threat, ''You and your brother may have lived most of your life, apart, but if you stay in this house you'll die together. Frank investigates and finds out every one in the house has been threatened, or so they claim.

The next morning, another competition takes place, the  ''Prissy Primers Challenge'', for this contest the swimming pool has been filled with every grooming product you can think of. Shampoo. Toothpaste. Hair gel. Pimple cream. Cologne. Makeup. The contestants are divided randomly into teams of four, which ever team has the most grooming product when time runs out, wins.

The competition is going well, when Frank makes a disturbing discovery ? the dead body of a PA named Sylvia. The police arrive and it is determined that she died of an aneurysm, how she ended up in the barrel Frank found her in is not known, although the police suspect cameraman Chuck. Apparently he had been providing Sylvia with nonprescription pain killers. The theory is Chuck found Sylvia shortly after her aneurysm and panicked, thinking she had overdosed. He could have hidden the body in the barrel not realizing it was to be used in an upcoming competition.

The ''Prissy Primers Challenge'' is canceled, for obvious reasons, so Veronica draws a  team name out of a hat, to decide the winner. Blue Team is declared the winner, and each of the four team members, Joe, Mikey Chan, Mary Moore, and Gail Digby, will get to chose the next deprivation.

The four new deprivation is announced only an hour later, reading material, exercise equipment, hot water, and to blogger Bobby T's  horror, the Internet.

After the deprivations are set, Veronica introduces two new contestants to Deprivation House, twins George and Georgina Tagart. No one on the show is to happy about more competition but that's what Veronica intended.

Frank is talking with Brynn but Joe isn't to happy about it either but decides to leave and do some work on the case. Upstairs Joe sees Mary doing a yoga workout and discovers that she might not be as weak as she appears. Joe notices Mikey acting strangely once again, and is going to follow him, when Ripley calls him.

He is still talking with Ripley, when he gets a whiff of smoke, looking around Joe sees smoke coming from an upstairs bedroom. Joe quickly swings himself up on the balcony of the room, looking inside he sees that the room is on fire and worse yet, Bobby T sleeping in his bed. The door into the room is locked, quickly Joe smashes out a window, and crashes into the room just as Frank arrives. Joe manages to get Bobby out of bed, and Frank soon puts the fire out with an extinguisher. 

Others in the house soon arrive at the the scene, and Bobby T declares that he is leaving the show, losing the Internet was bad enough but almost getting burned to death is the last straw. It is discovered that not only the smoke alarm was disabled, but the room's automated camera as well.

Frank and Joe meet up to discuss the fire, who could have started it? Not Brynn, Hal, Ann, or Ripley, since the first three were with Frank, and the later was talking with Joe before the fire started. Then Joe remembers that before Ripley started talking with him, he was trying to follow Mikey, who was sneaking out of the house. Could it be Mikey?

Before the brothers can question Mikey, Veronica calls all contestants down to the great room. Once every one is gathered in the great room, the next elimination is announced. Mikey Chan is deprived of winning one million dollars. A video is played showing Mikey sneaking around the house, like the Hardys have noticed. The last shot shows Mikey throwing away a candy bar wrappers. Mikey Chan has been sneaking junk food, ever since the contestants were deprived of it earlier in the week.

Frank and Joe still aren't certain that Mikey isn't the culprit, that is until a message is found, that reads, ''Two more down, a dozen to go. Will YOU be the next victim?''

The message is written in Ripley's eyeliner and Gail accuses her of being a ringer. James disagrees saying that someone working for the show might try spice up the show but they wouldn't have done something like put broken glass in ice cubs. Ripley swears she isn't working for the show but admits that like Mikey accused her of she has been sneaking food. As it turns out Ripley has a eating disorder, so her parents asked the producers to keep an eye on Ripley's diet, they agreed, so when Ripley lost the challenge she was given food anyways.

Joe asks Frank to meet him outside in five minutes, Frank arrives late, saying it took him awhile to lose Brynn. Joe gets mad at Frank, and an argue ensues, in the end Frank says he doesn't want Brynn to get in the way of their mission, so he'll stay away from her from now on. But when Joe realizes that Frank is actually upset, and must really care for Brynn, he is to glad that Frank has finally gotten over his fear of girls, and tells Frank he's the one that will stay away from Brynn from now on.

Next Frank and Joe go to question Gail, they can't find her so Joe sits down on her bed and waits, suddenly a jab of pain go through Joe's thigh. He pulls back the bed covers and to his horror sees a rattlesnake. Frank grabs a bath towel of the dresser, throws it over the snake, giving Joe enough time to roll off the bed. Frank calls for the medics, over the intercom, then grabbing a near by wastebasket, slams it down the snake trapping it. 

Joe is writhing on the floor in pain, but tells Frank that if he hurries, he might be able to find the person who did this. Frank doesn't want to leave Joe, but can see his point, so as soon as Ripley arrives, he tells her to hold the basket down, he leaves.

Sprinting down the hall, Frank checks all the nearby rooms. All empty. Downstairs he sees Gail and Olivia, but Veronica is watching them, so he rules them out. Frank bursts outside to find Mary Moore pulling off a pair of gloves. Frank remembers she mentioned rattlesnakes before, and calls out to her, ''So it's true ? you really can handle a rattler!'' Hearing Frank's damning words, Mary turns around and takes off across the grounds, with Frank in hot pursuit. Frank finally catches up with her, and tackles her to the ground.

Most of the pranks Mary admits to, but not the knifes that cut Brynn, or the fire in Bobby T's room. And when words are found scrawled on the wall, that read: ''House of death'', it becomes clear she might just be telling the truth.

I was hoping against hope that it would be revealed in book two that the crimes in the first book are connected with those in the rest of the trilogy. Like most of us suspected they are not. And it's even worse then I thought, nothing happens in this book that didn't in the first! A series of competitions and threats, a person dies and at the end when they think they have found the culprit, it turns out this culprit isn't responsible for some of things that happened, the book ends with the contestants finding a written threat. Recycled plot lines have been have been used in UB before but I never thought they would do it in two books in a row!

On the bright side there are a few things about this story that are enjoyable, namely Frank and Joe's relationship, which is very well done and far closer to other series then any other UB. Also I enjoyed  the tension between Frank and Joe, as Brynn (who in ''Deprivation House'' seems to be attracted to Joe) starts to show more and more interest in Frank. In the end when Joe discovers that Frank is attracted to Brynn, Joe is fine with it and doesn't act like a 10 year old would (like he does most of the time in UB) and this could be the end of girl scared Frank, which would make this book worth while.

The bottom line is this story would be okay if it wasn't part of a trilogy and is horrible because the book before is exactly the same. The only thing that make it worth reading is (a) it's the latest Hardy Boys book, (b) the sub plots.

Are only hope now is that ''Murder House'' will some how tie all the books together and save this so called ''trilogy'' (why did they have to get my hopes up for a trilogy, S&S could have just as easily and more fittingly called it the ''Murder House Stories'').

From now on I'm not going to think of these as trilogies and maybe it will not be so painful, although it wouldn't of helped with this book, ''Deprivation House II'', ah, I mean ''House Arrest''.

I just can't get over this ''Deprivation House'' remake-4/10

I'm curious to hear what you guys think of this book.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on July 04, 2008, 04:36:46 AM
I'm still waiting for mine to arrive by mail.  But it sounds like the editors and writers on this series have never edited or written a book before.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Q on July 04, 2008, 05:48:15 PM
Can't say it is very interesting but it's better than nothin'!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Centrion on July 05, 2008, 07:00:05 PM
Well, I agree with HBW, It would be better if it wasn't so similar to the first. Just a minor bit of trivia, but I think this is the first there's been a Hardy who has sweared since Operation:Survival and the first for Joe. On the Sub Plot notes, I also rather enjoyed the whole Joe/Bryan/Frank thing.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on July 07, 2008, 04:25:15 PM
Kind of interesting, if you type 'murder house spoilers' into Google, this topic is the first thing on the page.
So watch what you say on here boys and girls! ;D ;)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SkyWarp on July 07, 2008, 05:19:48 PM
Ahhh, we must be doing something right finally to be so priviledge to find first page rankings.  :)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Centrion on July 10, 2008, 09:07:16 PM
I always find it funny where if you would to google something as simple as say your username, a lot of times you'd get things not even related. But, I guess like SkyWarp said, we finally did something right to get to the top.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on July 14, 2008, 04:08:17 PM
The plot summary of ''Murder House'' has been revealed on ( It sounds pretty good but plot summaries from the publisher will do that.

QuoteThe identity of the most dangerous killer in the "Deception House" dwelling is finally revealed--along with a shocking motivation--in the final novel of this trilogy.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on July 14, 2008, 04:59:02 PM
Not exactly the trilogy we were looking for.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on July 14, 2008, 08:32:37 PM
No, it sure isn't. I was excited that we would get are first trilogy since the mid-1990's but as it turns out I liked the first UB format better.

Now three trilogies in a row...S&S sure knows how to use something to death, first ATAC and now the trilogies.

One good thing about the trilogies, is that at least we know now S&S is willing to try something new with this series. Which could be very good thing if they do it right. Maybe S&S does pay just enough attention to their Hardy fans, but not enough to realize what we wanted in a trilogy.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on July 14, 2008, 08:36:47 PM
Of course S&S could just as easily cancel the series in the middle of a trilogy.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: NZone on July 15, 2008, 08:55:01 AM
Can you imagine if they did that in the middle of, say the Operation Phoenix?  :D :D Their mailboxes would be flooded with complaints. Now they would be inundated by thank-you cards.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on July 15, 2008, 11:19:18 AM
Well, think of how many cartoon series on TV have been cancelled in the middle of multi-part stories, or even live-action shows.  Any one remember ALF?
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on July 17, 2008, 09:36:19 PM

On Monday, a member on the HDA forum, by the name of Robina, PM'd me her theory about the last book in this trilogy, I thought it was interesting and since it's the only theory about the final book, I've heard, I thought I'd share it. Here what she think will happen:

I think that it is Bryn and that she is the daughter of the actress who was murdered in the house. I think that she somehow knows who the boys really are and that's why she's been trying to play them off against each other.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on July 18, 2008, 06:21:33 PM
Well, I finally read Deprivation House.

I thought it had its good points and its bad. One good point goes towards some normalcy in their lives near the beginning of the book - i.e. seeing them at school, some good-natured humour, etc. In addition, the characters are described well enough to feel like real people, and not vague and forced like I found in other books. There were also instances that I thought were interesting and fit well in the overall story.

I do recall that a couple of times, I was reminded of the Nancy Drew: Girl Detective series because of some kind of resemblence. There were just a couple of details that reminded me of the ND:GD series or maybe a book within it. Oh well.

Anyways, I can't remember the bad at the moment, so I guess I blocked it out (;)). It's probably just the typical stuff we find wrong with the series I suppose. Wait, I can't believe I almost forgot! I have a question - How the heck does Frank Hardy receive the Perfect Attendance Award ??? ::)

P.S. I'm glad I'm finally featured in a real Hardy Boys book, however warped. Just kidding ;)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on August 09, 2008, 03:33:44 AM
Quote from: Centrion on July 05, 2008, 07:00:05 PM
Just a minor bit of trivia, but I think this is the first there's been a Hardy who has sweared since Operation:Survival and the first for Joe.

Huh ???
I read it and all I saw was one "upset" and one "crap". Is that what you're referring to? 'Cause I don't really find those words to be offensive.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on August 09, 2008, 01:04:33 PM
Well, those are as close as you get in The Hardy Boys. Also I noticed ''Oh my God!'' was used way more then normal.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on August 10, 2008, 01:07:00 PM
That wasn't the first time Joe said a swear word. In Blown Away he says a swear word.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: FrankJoeATAC on August 10, 2008, 02:37:48 PM
Quote from: HardyBoysWiki on August 09, 2008, 01:04:33 PM
Well, those are as close as you get in The Hardy Boys. Also I noticed ''Oh my God!'' was used way more then normal.

Yeah, I noticed that too..
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on August 10, 2008, 06:16:47 PM
Quote from: JoeHardyRocks on August 10, 2008, 01:07:00 PM
That wasn't the first time Joe said a swear word. In Blown Away he says a swear word.

What did he say, JHR ??? I don't remember anything...
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on August 10, 2008, 07:27:34 PM
He didn't mean it as a swear word, he just referred to the decorations as c--p. Pg. 99
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on August 11, 2008, 03:01:29 AM
Quote from: JoeHardyRocks on August 10, 2008, 07:27:34 PM
He didn't mean it as a swear word, he just referred to the decorations as c--p. Pg. 99

Okay, I don't consider myself an immoral person, but I just don't find that word to be offensive! I say it EVERY DAY in my daily life! Does anyone else find the word crap offensive ???
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on August 11, 2008, 03:37:21 AM
And even if you find crap offensive or don't like the word, I still wouldn't call it a swear word. It's not something you'd expect your 93 year old English grandmother to say, but still it's no swear word!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on August 11, 2008, 03:42:33 AM
Quote from: HardyBoysWiki on August 11, 2008, 03:37:21 AM
And even if you find crap offensive or don't like the word, I still wouldn't call it a swear word. It's not something you'd expect your 93 year old English grandmother to say, but still it's no swear word!

It's just slang!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on August 11, 2008, 03:50:11 AM
Yeah, exactly. Just like you wouldn't hear your grandmother say "Dude!"  But I guess you could say crap is a bit worse then some words, so I can see where your coming from JHR.

Wow, this is waaaay off-topic!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on August 11, 2008, 11:43:04 AM
I just looked back at my review for Deprivation House. It seems wayyy too positive. Overall, I didn't think it was that good. I guess it just came across that way because I emphasized the one or two things that I liked (which was the beginning, and the way they made the characters seem real).

Oh well. ::)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on August 11, 2008, 02:38:21 PM
Well I didn't find ''Deprivation House'' that bad (not great, but not bad), but after reading ''House Arrest'' it's really bad, since the books have nothing to do with each other!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on August 11, 2008, 04:53:53 PM
Quote from: HardyBoysWiki on August 11, 2008, 02:38:21 PM
Well I didn't find ''Deprivation House'' that bad (not great, but not bad), but after reading ''House Arrest'' it's really bad, since the books have nothing to do with each other!

Hmm. I wonder if it was written by the same author.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on August 11, 2008, 05:04:36 PM
Probably not. Even ''Operation Pheonix'' wasn't.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on August 28, 2008, 03:35:13 PM
The back cover summary of the final book in Murder House has been revealed.

ATAC Briefing for Agents Frank and Joe Hardy

MISSION: To finally get to the bottom of the ongoing deadly scares taking place on the set of the reality TV show Deprivation House.

LOCATION: A huge villa in Beverly Hills, CA, without a single luxury left inside.

POTENTIAL VICTIMS: Every contestant on the reality show is in extreme danger.

SUSPECTS: It's possible one of the new contestants has a devious agenda, or else someone who's been there all along is hiding a huge secret.

It's pretty bad when on the back cover of book three in a mystery trilogy, it practically says the culprit is someone who wasn't there from the beginning. Sad.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on August 28, 2008, 05:42:26 PM
I wish these back covers had better descriptions! So what is it there that we don't know?
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on August 28, 2008, 06:11:23 PM
Quote from: SDLagent on August 28, 2008, 03:35:13 PM
It's pretty bad when on the back cover of book three in a mystery trilogy, it practically says the culprit is someone who wasn't there from the beginning. Sad.

If the culprit is someone new, this book is going to suck air!
It's obvious how thin this trilogy is, they keep adding more contestants almost every time they lose one! :o
When they voted Kit Elroy off, they added Gail Digby. When Bobby T and Mikey Chan left, they added George and Georgina Tagart! The only people that they didn't make up for were Rosemary and Wilson! Reality shows don't keep adding more contestants! How is anybody supposed to win if they keep adding more people? The writer doesn't have enough plot for three books, so he/she has to keep adding more plot lines (more contestants) so he/she can keep the trilogy going! Well I'm sorry folks, but this (so far) is not a trilogy! This is three different stories that happen to have that same characters in them!
What are the odds that three of the people on a random TV show have foul play on the mind? If that were the case in real life, reality shows would be outlawed!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on August 28, 2008, 06:22:42 PM
I know!!  :( Unless ;D someone (a villin) gets in the shows high-ups and makes them keep putting in new people who are part of his gang to sabatoge the show. And if this trilogy is related to the Double Danger trilogy, after all it is a movie right and this is a game show they are bouth Hollywood, mabey the mastermind escapes and they trace him to the next trilogy!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on August 28, 2008, 06:25:27 PM
I strongly doubt that the trilogy's will be linked together, Robin.
But I suppose it's possible. :-\
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on August 28, 2008, 06:27:45 PM
Who knows? I just get bored and ponder these things. But it would be cool though. 8)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on August 29, 2008, 01:44:59 AM
Apparently S&S doesn't know about this forum, because if anyone employed by them ever read any posts on this site, they would have STOPPED WRITING THE UBS BY NOW! ::)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on August 29, 2008, 03:52:37 AM
I don't think the trilogies will be linked in anyway. I mean they can't even do that within one trilogy! I wish they were but...
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on August 29, 2008, 08:39:17 AM
And from what I've seen so far, in terms of plot, the author(s) keep using the same plot in each book of the trilogy.  Book 1, let's have someone murder contestants.  Book 2, lets have someone else murder more contestants.  Book 3, well, it's MURDER HOUSE, so lets have even more murders of contestants!!!?????

Why couldn't they have maybe had an overall murder plot, but then each book was about something else.  Book 1 could've been about drug trafficking.  Book 2, blackmail.  Book 3, Animal poaching. 
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on August 29, 2008, 05:33:12 PM
So why do you guys think new players keep coming in? ??? We already have 10+ plenty of chacters! :-\
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on August 29, 2008, 05:40:11 PM
Basicly thay keep adding character at the end of the books, for the next book. Pretty bad. It just adds to the unconnected stories.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on August 30, 2008, 08:07:27 AM
And it just shows that whoever the authors are on these books they just keep groping at straws, even though they have nothing left for this series.  Maybe they should get back to writing Digest #191 The Return of Jake Herman.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on September 26, 2008, 04:39:31 PM
I just got Murder House the book today, and it does not redeem the trilogy series.  In the final chapter (Chapter 16 Game Over page 157) it mentions that this book had absolutely nothing to do with the previous two books in terms of the case.  In other words, the only thing that linked this trilogy together was the location???????  That is an extremely weak story thread to base a trilogy on. 

Also, the bad guy in this book was Brynn Flhgym who turned out to be trying to reconstruct her memory, from years ago when she lived in the house, from the night when her mom or dad killed the other parent, becoming a very psychological event that Brynn's child mind blocked it out and the only way that she was able to reconstruct it was by revisiting the house and committing murder.   

Not only a dumb trilogy, a equally if not dumber story.

My verdict right now:  There was never going to be any trilogy.  Simon & Schuster thought that they could increase sales of the series by claiming that they were bringing out a trilogy when, infact, they were infact creating false advertising because they knew the series had gotten to the point where it was no good anymore and that the next 6 months (May 2008-September 2008) would see 3 extremely weak stories.  My advice for new readers, don't even bother picking up this garbage trilogy.  Pick up one of the Grosset & Dunlap Hardcover books, or one of the Aladdin Paperbacks Hardy Boys Digests or even try to locate some books from the Hardy Boys Casefiles.


Rating for Murder House the book: Rating to come
Rating for Murder House the trilogy: 0.5 out of 10
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Lola on September 28, 2008, 04:08:23 PM
Don't hold back now, Tom....tell us how you really feel about the UBs!! ::) :P

I was curious after having read Murder House I went back to page 157 and for the life of me.....I just could not see what you did! I can't for the life of me read where the writer shows that this third book is no way related to the other two and the only thing that makes it a trilogy is the location. The way I read it was a lot of disappointed contestants that the game had ended.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Bigfootman on September 28, 2008, 06:12:18 PM
The UBs are getting worse and worse, I'd suggest all Hardy Boys fans abondon ship! As for me, I'm not reading any HBs that came out after the digets were canciled, guess it's time for me to escape the UB Titanic and board the Nancy Drew train.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on September 28, 2008, 07:18:11 PM
Then why do you keep going on and on about the good UB's if you are not even reading them anymore!?
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on September 29, 2008, 09:59:28 PM
Quote from: Bigfootman on September 28, 2008, 06:12:18 PM
The UBs are getting worse and worse, I'd suggest all Hardy Boys fans abondon ship! As for me, I'm not reading any HBs that came out after the digets were canciled, guess it's time for me to escape the UB Titanic and board the Nancy Drew train.

All aboard! :D
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on September 30, 2008, 07:49:52 AM
Quote from: Lola on September 28, 2008, 04:08:23 PM
Don't hold back now, Tom....tell us how you really feel about the UBs!! ::) :P

I was curious after having read Murder House I went back to page 157 and for the life of me.....I just could not see what you did! I can't for the life of me read where the writer shows that this third book is no way related to the other two and the only thing that makes it a trilogy is the location. The way I read it was a lot of disappointed contestants that the game had ended.

If you read the statement by Hal.  When I read that I took that to be the author's statement as being that this book had no relation to the other two.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Lola on September 30, 2008, 11:16:27 AM
I didn't take it that way.....I saw it as Hal disagreeing with Olivia as to why the show ended. Although the characters that died were a different mystery, the brothers still had to find who was sending out the death threats.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on September 30, 2008, 02:10:49 PM
Well, I'll say one thing - I hope the next trilogy has more of continuing story.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on September 30, 2008, 06:41:09 PM
Quote from: SDLagent on September 30, 2008, 02:10:49 PM
Well, I'll say one thing - I hope the next trilogy has more of continuing story.

It probably won't.  And I'm basing that on how $&$ wrote this last so-called trilogy.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on October 01, 2008, 01:12:53 AM
I can hope...
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 01, 2008, 03:00:03 PM
Trilogys are as good as normal books. Though it would be awesome if they just made them into one big book. Cause normally it takes me 30 minutes or 20 to read one book.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Bigfootman on October 01, 2008, 06:39:12 PM
Quote from: JoeHardyRocks on September 28, 2008, 07:18:11 PM
Then why do you keep going on and on about the good UB's if you are not even reading them anymore!?
I have like a few expections, mainly Murder At The Mall.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 02, 2008, 11:12:15 AM
Yeah, some books are better than others, and some are just good, and alot are worth there value.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 02, 2008, 05:36:26 PM
I think that with the Murder House Trilogy there were actually 3 authors writing the trilogy.  Book 2's author was the most obvious with all the profanity in the book.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 03, 2008, 02:38:26 PM
Do you think if that were true any of the authors are the same as with some of the UB's
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 03, 2008, 06:52:07 PM
Quote from: bozonessinc on October 03, 2008, 02:38:26 PM
Do you think if that were true any of the authors are the same as with some of the UB's

Considering the lack of continuity, I would say that the only author that has returned to the series is the author that wrote #7 Operation: Survival and #24 Haunted (funny, this series has 2 #24 books, Haunted & Murder House).  Otherwise, I think all the other authors runaway after writing one book because $&$ doesn't want them to put a lot of plot or action into the books.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 06, 2008, 11:11:06 AM
Or they have alot of work to do.. Congrats on reaching 3000 posts.!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: FrankJoeATAC on October 15, 2008, 09:00:14 PM
You know, on the covers of the Murder House trilogy, they portray Frank as the rich person and Joe as the poor person, but in the books it's the other way around.. ???
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on October 15, 2008, 09:35:21 PM
And if anyone noticed, there's a mistake on chapter 2. I almost didn't catch it, but the mistake is it switches from Joe to Frank or vice versa for a couple of paragraphs.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on October 15, 2008, 10:43:37 PM
Good eye, peeps. I just wish they could pay more attention to even the most basic details.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 16, 2008, 10:55:31 AM
Really, I read all the books and I didn't notice that. The people though, on the cover, how do we know whos who... Its all what we think right?
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on October 16, 2008, 04:28:36 PM
Well, I'm guessing the blond is Joe, and the dark guy is Frank, so, no, it's not ''All what we think".
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on October 16, 2008, 05:19:13 PM
For reasons I don't care to explane I wasn't able to start MH 'till recently and I just finished it today. I loved that book! It was one of those books you don't want to put down! 5 out of 5 stars. 8)
Now about the authors I think Murder House, Haunted, Rockey Road, and Operation: Surival where all written by the same guy. Murder House & Haunted bouth talked about the show Spectril and how F. likes vinalla and J. likes abunch of stuff in his. Ice Cream favorites are mentioned agin in Rockey Road, and Haunted mentioned Operation: Surival in it. Similar to how Feeding Frenzy mentioned Hazed witch leads me to belive they too where written by the same guy. If so He is my faorite UB Dixion, not only are the books great but you can see him adding contunity.
On a side note I was reading MH in the cafiteria and I was trying to picture what Brynns upturned nose would look like, and this guy in the cafiteria calls "Heay Brynn" and the gril who responds has this upturned nose! Wierd. :-\
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Bigfootman on October 16, 2008, 05:40:08 PM
If you couldn't put it down, you should wash the glue of your hands. Two words to summerize the book:
It Sucked!
I made it to the sencond chapeter then stopped, it was awfull, one of the only books I neaver will finnish besides the Haunted Fort.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on October 16, 2008, 05:51:49 PM
You mean you didn't get to the end? Realy good yet semi-sad.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Bigfootman on October 16, 2008, 05:56:10 PM
I didn't get to the end because:
A) Altough the Hardy's were at school Chet neaver appeared, meaning that Chet is gone.
B) Writing sucked
C) Already have fun reading the much better casefiles.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on October 16, 2008, 05:58:26 PM
I was refering to the 3rd book where they are never at school. And Book 3 is the best of the trilogy! 8)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Bigfootman on October 16, 2008, 05:59:53 PM
I was reffering to book 1, witch stinks.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on October 16, 2008, 06:03:06 PM
Book one is good but book 3 is majestic! :D
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 16, 2008, 06:06:41 PM
Books 1, 2 & 3 are garbage and stink! (P-uew!)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Bigfootman on October 16, 2008, 06:10:23 PM
I'd like to know if I'd get confuesed if I skipped to book 3
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 16, 2008, 06:11:28 PM
Quote from: Bigfootman on October 16, 2008, 06:10:23 PM
I'd like to know if I'd get confuesed if I skipped to book 3

Trust me, you wouldn't get confused, since all three books are exactly the same story.  Once you've read book 1, you've read them all!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on October 16, 2008, 06:13:30 PM
Mabey a little, but they explane it pretty good, but it spoils 1 & 2. And as Tom showed there differing views on book 3 being good.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on October 16, 2008, 10:38:27 PM
I loved it! Even though I figured out Brynn was Nina and she was the one doing all of the stuff, I still loved it!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 17, 2008, 11:11:47 AM
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: NZone on October 17, 2008, 02:14:10 PM
Its to avoid inadvertent reading of spoilers, just highlight it w/your mouse
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 17, 2008, 02:33:59 PM
Oh I see, Nzone, thanks. Though some may not realize that it means its a spoiler
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: NZone on October 17, 2008, 02:37:45 PM
btw, EVERYBODY LISTEN! It's better to have the font a certain color, and then make it glow the same color, so its impossible to read w/o highlighting
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on October 17, 2008, 09:05:27 PM
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on October 18, 2008, 12:32:36 AM
I finally got the third book yesterday, but haven't started it, yet.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 18, 2008, 07:01:01 AM
Congratualations SDlagent, Hope you enjoy the last book. I know that I did!!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on October 18, 2008, 12:51:37 PM
Quote from: Negative Zone on October 17, 2008, 02:37:45 PM
btw, EVERYBODY LISTEN! It's better to have the font a certain color, and then make it glow the same color, so its impossible to read w/o highlighting

Testing Reading Imposibility Factor
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on October 18, 2008, 03:53:56 PM
You don't need to hide spoilers in this thread, Robin. Readers view at their own risk when they enter a "spoiler board".
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 18, 2008, 04:39:19 PM
Wow, thanks for testing my eyesight robin!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on October 18, 2008, 07:21:58 PM
Can you read this, and does it hurt your eyes? ;D ;D ;D

Wow, even I can't read that without highlighting! ;D
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on October 18, 2008, 09:11:41 PM
It would almost look like flames if there was some orange.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on October 18, 2008, 10:27:33 PM
Blinding!!!  OWOWOWOW! OWWW!!!!!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on October 18, 2008, 10:28:24 PM
Yeah, it's sorta there! Add some smoke!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on October 18, 2008, 10:34:31 PM
Blinding!!! OWOWOWOW! OWWW!!!!!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on October 18, 2008, 10:35:37 PM
Ha ha, good job. Right now all this seems so normal but I know when I look back on it in the daylight it'll be like, "What were we doing?!"
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on October 18, 2008, 10:38:43 PM
Yeah, funny the way that is, isn't it? :)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 24, 2008, 07:28:11 AM
Quote from: Iola.Alive on October 18, 2008, 10:35:37 PM
Ha ha, good job. Right now all this seems so normal but I know when I look back on it in the daylight it'll be like, "What were we doing?!"
We will look back, when we all need lazer eye surgery!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on October 24, 2008, 01:31:27 PM
Quote from: JoeHardyRocks on October 15, 2008, 09:35:21 PM
And if anyone noticed, there's a mistake on chapter 2. I almost didn't catch it, but the mistake is it switches from Joe to Frank or vice versa for a couple of paragraphs.

That's happend at least twice before in the UB.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 24, 2008, 02:23:20 PM
But you have to be looking for mistakes to really find them, see I don't go looking for them so I don't find them and why should I want to find errors!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on October 24, 2008, 02:57:51 PM
Errors like that are obvious to me though. Like when it's suppose to be Joe talking, but then Joe answers.

But I understand what you mean. Sometimes when you're just going through a book you follow the story and don't always read really carefully for every teeny detail.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 24, 2008, 07:52:49 PM
Quote from: SDLagent on October 24, 2008, 01:31:27 PM
That's happend at least twice before in the UB.

I know that there were one or two Casefiles like that, but I think that in that instance it was just a typo where the author was writing a Frank response, and then was starting to think of what Joe would say, and instead of saying "Frank answered" it read 'Joe answered. " you?" Joe replied"'.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Q on October 25, 2008, 04:20:53 AM
That also happened in the Originals.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 25, 2008, 10:17:01 AM
I don't read every word. I mostly skim read. I don't understand why.. But I do!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on October 25, 2008, 11:07:15 AM
I was reading a digest and Frank was talking to himself. You know where the second one should have said Joe said instead of Frank.
Also TSV Roket Raers  I ordered off Amazon and some had whent trough and correted all the spelling and grammer errors with a pencil and there where quite afew atually.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 25, 2008, 01:27:38 PM
Quote from: 003Robin457 on October 25, 2008, 11:07:15 AM
I was reading a digest and Frank was talking to himself. You know where the second one should have said Joe said instead of Frank.
Also TSV Roket Raers  I ordered off Amazon and some had whent trough and correted all the spelling and grammer errors with a pencil and there where quite afew atually.
You went through it, or when it came in the mail, there were write ins. If it was like that when it came in the mail, maybe you should send it back. That is messed up.. What happened to the rebel without spellcheck, you need it from that last post..
Here's what your post would be with spell check.

"I was reading a digest and Frank was talking to himself. You know where the second one should have said Joe said instead of Frank.
Also TSV Rocket Racers  I ordered off Amazon and someone had went trough and corrected all the spelling and grammar errors with a pencil and there where quite a few actually."
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: NZone on October 25, 2008, 03:57:30 PM
Actually Bones, you missed some

I was reading a digest and Frank was talking to himself. You know where the second one should have said Joe said instead of Frank.
Also TSV Rocket Racers  I ordered off Amazon and someone had went through and corrected all the spelling and grammar errors with a pencil and there were quite a few actually.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 25, 2008, 05:02:11 PM
Quote from: 003Robin457 on October 25, 2008, 11:07:15 AM
I was reading a digest and Frank was talking to himself. You know where the second one should have said Joe said instead of Frank.
Also TSV Roket Raers  I ordered off Amazon and some had whent trough and correted all the spelling and grammer errors with a pencil and there where quite afew atually.

Yeah, you should use spell check.

But I know that the one Hardy Boys series that everyone complains about having a lot of grammatical errors and typos is the Frank and Joe Are/The Hardy Boys Are: The Clues Brothers that ran from 1997-2000.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on October 25, 2008, 05:38:17 PM
Quote from: tomswift2002 on October 25, 2008, 05:02:11 PM
Yeah, you should use spell check.

But I know that the one Hardy Boys series that everyone complains about having a lot of grammatical errors and typos is the Frank and Joe Are/The Hardy Boys Are: The Clues Brothers that ran from 1997-2000.
Yes, but writing in the book. That is kind of messed up.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on October 25, 2008, 06:20:08 PM
Quote from: bozonessinc on October 24, 2008, 02:23:20 PM
But you have to be looking for mistakes to really find them, see I don't go looking for them so I don't find them and why should I want to find errors!
I don't look for them, either. But a mistake like that makes the book confusing to read, so I notice.

Quote from: bozonessinc on October 25, 2008, 10:17:01 AM
I don't read every word. I mostly skim read. I don't understand why.. But I do!

That could explain why you miss mistakes.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 25, 2008, 06:35:48 PM
Quote from: bozonessinc on October 25, 2008, 05:38:17 PM
Yes, but writing in the book. That is kind of messed up.

I've read a couple of Hardy Boys and Star Trek books from the library and even used that I know someone used for a book report, since there are times where I'll see portions of the text bracketed in pencil with notes like "foreshadowing" and "pathos".
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on October 26, 2008, 11:26:48 AM
Quote from: bozonessinc on October 25, 2008, 01:27:38 PM
You went through it, or when it came in the mail, there were write ins. If it was like that when it came in the mail, maybe you should send it back.

I just ordered a used copy and it came like that. And I was like "What?" Who goes trough a book fixin' the spellin' an' gramer? But it didn't realy bother me.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: NZone on October 26, 2008, 12:06:29 PM
I can see why
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 26, 2008, 02:49:52 PM
Quote from: 003Robin457 on October 26, 2008, 11:26:48 AM
I just ordered a used copy and it came like that. And I was like "What?" Who goes trough a book fixin' the spellin' an' gramer? But it didn't realy bother me.

Maybe the book was originally owned by an English teacher????
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on October 26, 2008, 02:51:10 PM
Oh, that's where my old book went. "wink as a joke"

Anyone getting tired of me doing that yet?

But to make this more of a useful post, do you think all those mistakes are missed because they have a deadline?
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on October 26, 2008, 03:01:39 PM
Quote from: Iola.Alive on October 26, 2008, 02:51:10 PM
Oh, that's where my old book went. "wink as a joke"

Anyone getting tired of me doing that yet?

But to make this more of a useful post, do you think all those mistakes are missed because they have a deadline?

The people at $&$ probably don't give a care in the bucket about the series.  $&$ just wants to milk people dry of their hard earned money on books that have very weak plots, are nothing even remotely like the series that the books are based on, and contain tons of spelling and grammatical errors. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the manuscripts for the UB were being written by someone in the 10th grade, who didn't bother to use spell check, and just printed the books off, sent them to an editor who didn't read them and the editor just passed the script onto the printers without looking at it.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Bigfootman on October 26, 2008, 06:01:47 PM
Quote from: tomswift2002 on October 26, 2008, 03:01:39 PM
The people at $&$ probably don't give a care in the bucket about the series.  $&$ just wants to milk people dry of their hard earned money on books that have very weak plots, are nothing even remotely like the series that the books are based on, and contain tons of spelling and grammatical errors. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the manuscripts for the UB were being written by someone in the 10th grade, who didn't bother to use spell check, and just printed the books off, sent them to an editor who didn't read them and the editor just passed the script onto the printers without looking at it.

Even my Casefile fanfic project has better writing. My teacher says but grammer and spelling is perfect on it, something that can't be said with most UBs
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on November 07, 2008, 11:58:18 AM
Quote from: tomswift2002 on October 26, 2008, 03:01:39 PM
The people at $&$ probably don't give a care in the bucket about the series.  $&$ just wants to milk people dry of their hard earned money on books that have very weak plots, are nothing even remotely like the series that the books are based on, and contain tons of spelling and grammatical errors. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the manuscripts for the UB were being written by someone in the 10th grade, who didn't bother to use spell check, and just printed the books off, sent them to an editor who didn't read them and the editor just passed the script onto the printers without looking at it.
$and$ may just be in it for the money, but it is still good!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: NZone on November 07, 2008, 04:27:40 PM
Uh, THEY ARE A COMPANY!! THEY ARE JUST IN IT FOR THE MONEY!! DUHH! Corporations don't have a heart, nor should they, their only purpose is to make money for themselves and their stockholders. ::) GOSH!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: tomswift2002 on November 08, 2008, 09:06:24 AM
Quote from: bozonessinc on November 07, 2008, 11:58:18 AM
$and$ may just be in it for the money, but it is still garbage!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on November 08, 2008, 08:39:04 PM
Quote from: tomswift2002 on November 08, 2008, 09:06:24 AM
Maybe, I need to show more respect for a casefile fan... They may switch there allegience if I don't.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: SDLagent on November 09, 2008, 11:55:26 PM
I don't think he cares what your "allegience" is. I, for one, don't.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on November 11, 2008, 02:56:49 PM
In the wars people used to. Really, I don't think you care about who anyone has there allegience with SDL!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Olivia on November 12, 2008, 01:40:46 PM
Actually, I think it would be sort of a big deal if a solely UBs fan turned to the Casefiles side. Or vice-versa.
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on November 14, 2008, 05:33:43 PM
Tell me more about this Vice-Versa. ;)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: bozonessinc on November 22, 2008, 10:12:04 AM
Quote from: Goddess on November 12, 2008, 01:40:46 PM
Actually, I think it would be sort of a big deal if a solely UBs fan turned to the Casefiles side. Or vice-versa.
Like when I switched sides for a little while, now I'm not sure!
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on November 23, 2008, 02:05:17 PM
I finally got the last book in the trilogy!
Must go read...;)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on November 24, 2008, 12:53:57 PM
Shoo Read! *Kicks Sam off Forum untill he finishes the book.*
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: Sam Spade on November 25, 2008, 12:45:40 AM
Quote from: 003Robin457 on November 24, 2008, 12:53:57 PM
Shoo Read! *Kicks Sam off Forum untill he finishes the book.*

It's not that good, so far...::) (get it together S&S! You suck!)
Title: Re: The Murder House Trilogy Spoiler Board
Post by: 003Robin457 on November 25, 2008, 09:20:17 AM
The endings pretty good.