Mr. Pizza's Hardy Boys Forum

General Hardy Boys Discussion => General Hardy Boys Discussions => Topic started by: Bigfootman on February 01, 2009, 06:11:21 PM

Title: Casefiles vs. UBs, my opion
Post by: Bigfootman on February 01, 2009, 06:11:21 PM
That's right, I'm going to state my opion on the UB vs. Casefile war. I will do this in several catogories. Let's start!

1. Action
I always look for this when reading HB books. Maybe that's why I don't like myistery of cabin island.

UBs: I have always been disapointed with the lack of action in the UBs. I am forced to read through clifhangers with talking, fights that last 1 paragrath. The Hardy's neaver have to worry about car bombs, huge fist fights, and being captured by terrorists, because that almost neaver happens in the UBs! The only exception to this is Wanted, but still does not have as much action as the casefiles.

Casefiles: Casefiles almost always are filled with action to keep the reader going. Bombs, terrorists, chases, snipers, there's ton of action in a casefile.

Winner: Casefiles

ATAC vs. Network

This sparks some quite heated debates.

ATAC: I neaver have been a fan of ATAC. The Hardy's are slaves to ATAC, almost neaver getting a breack, except in a few GNs. However, in a lot of those it has something to do with ATAC. When it doesn't, the Hardy's whine about gadgets. Ok, the Hardy's have fought Terorists, have saved a nation from rebels, And solved countless murders without gadgets, so why on the earth do they need gadgets to fight an oversized 12-year old?!? Oh, and what sort of top seret angency does not go after terorists or some sort of goverment eneimy?

Network: The Network is awsome. They send Frank and Joe on GOOD missions like fighting terrorists in Greece, and the Hardy's are not slaves to the Network. In fact, the network has only appeared in a few books, so the Hardy's get to solve cases on their own. Also, they don't need gadgets to solve cases.

Winner: Network

Socal Life

UBs: In first few UBs, they did quite good at this, until characters started dissapearing, including Chet Mortion! We need a bring back Chet petition. Oh, and Ioa dissapeared too, I liked it better when she blew up in a car bomb instead of vanishing without a trace, without ever being mentioned again.

Casefiles: The hardy's have pently of socal life in the casefiles, and they have plenty of time to hang out with freinds.

Winner: Casefiles

More soon!
Title: Re: Casefiles vs. UBs, my opion
Post by: JoeHardyRocks on February 01, 2009, 06:19:47 PM
Oh my gosh, not another one. ::)
Title: Re: Casefiles vs. UBs, my opion
Post by: tomswift2002 on February 01, 2009, 07:33:22 PM
Dinosaur Dan, I have to agree with you on all your points. 

I too consider the Hardy Boys Casefiles the SUPERIOR series.
Title: Re: Casefiles vs. UBs, my opion
Post by: Lola on February 01, 2009, 09:37:16 PM
First of all.......Frank and Joe NEVER WORKED FOR THE NETWORK!!!!!!! With the exception of the Gray Man tricking them in #25 The Borderline Case the Network NEVER REQURITED the Hardy brothers!!! The other times that Frank and Joe "worked" with the Network they happened to stumble into one of the Network's cases!!!

AND FOR THE LOVE OF FRED!!!! The UBs and Casefiles are TWO DIFFERENT series!!!! They are TWO DIFFERENT timelines!!!! Have your opinions yes....but PLEASE.....STOP trying to get people to hate one over the other!!!!

Sorry for the rant but I had to get it off my chest.
Title: Re: Casefiles vs. UBs, my opion
Post by: Q on February 02, 2009, 11:34:46 AM
DD, we already know your opinion.  ::) This is practically a worthless topic.
Title: Re: Casefiles vs. UBs, my opion
Post by: SDLagent on February 02, 2009, 03:02:28 PM
Your post is well done, Dan (I like that you actually gave reasons for liking/disliking), but like others have said, we already know your opinion.
Title: Re: Casefiles vs. UBs, my opion
Post by: Bigfootman on February 02, 2009, 06:19:32 PM
Quote from: SDLagent on February 02, 2009, 03:02:28 PM
Your post is well done, Dan (I like that you actually gave reasons for liking/disliking), but like others have said, we already know your opinion.

Well, this was suppoed to be an article for my website, but I desided to post it here.