Mr. Adrian Munder


Location: , ,


Gender: M





Mr. Munder was a teacher at the school Frank and Joe attended in Bridgeport.  He had a brother named Aaron who was part of an experiment at Rosegrave Academy.  Adrian Munder's mind was stuck in a crystal that also was the home of his brother Aaron.  Both of their bodies are dead.


TV2020 S2E1 - A Disappearance
TV2020 S2E2 - Conflicting Reports
TV2020 S2E3 - The Missing Camera
TV2020 S2E4 - A Clue On Film
TV2020 S2E7 - The Doctor's Orders
TV2020 S2E8 - A Midnight Scare
TV2020 S2E9 - Captured!
TV2020 S2E10 - An Unexpected Return
TV2020 S3E3 - A Promise of Trouble


  • Nelvana/Hulu 2020 TV Series


Mr. Munder is a teacher at the school Frank and Joe attend. He also appears to be in charge of allowing students to sign out video equipment.
TV2020 S2E1, Minute:10

Mr. Munder does not seem to be the most proficient user of overhead projector screens.
TV2020 S2E2, Minute:13

Mr. Munder appears to be a typing or computer teacher among the many other duties he has at the school.
TV2020 S2E3, Minute:11

Mr. Munder is presumably in charge of the A/V club at Bridgeport Public School.
TV2020 S2E4, Minute:16

Mr. Munder is a computer teacher.
TV2020 S2E8, Minute:10

Mr. A. Munder was a student at Rosegrave.
TV2020 S2E8, Minute:30

Adrian has a twin named Aaron.
TV2020 S2E9, Minute:41

Adrian Munder's house has a secret passage in a coat closet that leads to a basement filled with various medical and experimental equipment.
TV2020 S2E10, Minute:3

Adrian Munder escaped from a mental hospital where he was placed after the events of season 2. He later purposefully trapped himself in the crystal with his brother.
TV2020 S3E3, Minute:5