#1 The Video Game Bandit

THE SCENE: Mr. and Mrs. Freeman's backyard

THE FACTS: A huge fund-raiser is being held for the Bayport Bandits baseball team, with the mega-popular ZCross5000 video game system as the big raffle prize!

THE CRIME: During the party, the ZCross system goes missing!

THE SUSPECTS: Two mysterious kids who were seen walking out of the house with lots of cords and cables hanging from their shirts. The waiters from the Forks and Knives catering company. Kendall, who was sneaking around the prizes before the raffle began.

THE MISSION: It's up to Frank and Joe -- and you -- to figure out who the video game bandit could be!


Cover Design: Karina Granda

Cover and Interior Illustrations: Matt David


First Aladdin Printing and Copyright: April, 2016

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