Bernhard Kruger


Location: Somerset Village, , United Kingdom


Gender: M

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Gray



Bernhard Kruger just looks mean.  Kruger was arrested back in 1943.  He was supposedly a U-boat captain.  He has blues eyes, but his hair has gone from dark to gray over the years.  


CF17 - The Number File


  • Casefiles


Kruger looks mean. Kruger was arrested back in 1943. He was supposedly a U-boat captain. He has blues eyes, but his hair has gone from dark to gray over the years.
CF17, Page:6

Bernhard has bushy, steel-gray eyebrows.
CF17, Page:42

His last known location was in FBI custody in New York.
CF17, Page:150

An unnamed accomplice of Kruger's was also a arrested by the FBI and indicted.
CF17, Page:150