Hardy Boys Casefiles Encyclopedia Update #22

Started by SkyWarp, June 16, 2016, 12:14:10 AM

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I really enjoyed re-reading this book.  This was one of my favorites.  A few of the highlights or interesting things that I found after re-reading this book.

1) Current Events and history were very much involved in this book.  The "end" of the Cold War was just about upon us and this book took it head on.  There were several real life people mentioned in this book from the country of Czechoslovakia (such as Alexander Dubcek and Husak).  What is interesting, everything changed a year after this book was published.  Reading this back when the book came out, I would have been mostly ignorant of any of these current events. 

2) The Beast (a friend of Phil Cohen) makes his debut.  This character has lots of potential for future stories. 

3) I am starting to wonder if Fenton has a friend from his old New York days at almost every police department in the United States. 

4) And finally, this book takes real world places and integrates them very nicely into the story line.  Harvard, The Charles Hotel, etc.  I tried to follow the events on Google Maps again, but I am guessing a lot has changed in this college town since this book was published.


Oh yeah- Double Exposure was a favorite for me too- probably because of the mystery of Chris Hardy. And The Beast showing up in this book- I'd forgotten about him, but he was definitely a neat character. I think he only showed up in two books though. And I also appreciate Franklin W. Dixon seeking to incorporate real life events into the book. It dates the books now, of course- but you can still read it as a period piece and enjoy it well enough. :)
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