Tessa Carpenter


Location: Bayport, , United States


Gender: F


Hair: red

Age: 18


Tessa Carpenter appears to be 18 years of age and has red hair.  Tessa was featured in Personality Magazine as Bayport's poor little rich debutante - heiress to the famed Cliffside Mansion and the area's largest art collection - and how she survived the tragic loss of her parents.  She is tall and drives a red Lamborghini sports car.  


CF13 - The Borgia Dagger


  • Casefiles


Tessa Carpenter appears to be 18 years of age and has red hair. She drives a red Lamborghini sports car.
CF13, Page:12

She is tall.
CF13, Page:12

Tessa was featured in Personality Magazine as Bayport's poor little rich debutante - heiress to the famed Cliffside Mansion and the area's largest art collection - and how she survived the tragic loss of her parents.
CF13, Page:13

Her last known job (after the events of Casefile #13) was acting in a soap opera with Tyrone Grant.
CF13, Page:153